Privacy Policy

Privacy and Data Protection Statement

ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. are committed to the protection and security of your information and this policy is designed to set out how and why ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. processes your personal data in line with Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulations, or GDPR, and the Data Protection Act 2018.

This privacy policy is reviewed annually or following any change to arrangements within the applicable legislation.  Any changes will be made to this webpage and we would encourage our visitors to check for updates prior to visiting the site.  If you do not agree with the policy or any changes applied then please do not continue to use the website. 

Any queries relating to this Privacy Statement should be directed to the Data Protection officer whose contact details can be found at the bottom of this privacy statement.


ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. may capture personal information through various sources and we are committed to ensuring that this is used safely, lawfully and transparently for specific and explicit purposes.  The information collected will be limited to what is necessary and retained only for the period required.  Appropriate training has been rolled out and processes are in place to ensure that the security of personal information is controlled to protect the data against unlawful access, loss, destruction or damage.

More sensitive information such as race, ethnic background, political opinions, religious beliefs and other, are secured with limited access by authorised personnel. 

How we use your information

The Company maintains up to date customer and supplier records such as name, company name and contact details over the period where they are an active customer or supplier.  The information captured will be based on the requirements of the contract.  Records of sales or purchases will be retained for 7 years following closure of the account in line with statutory financial record retention requirements.

Details captured during an enquiry, brochure request or other interaction will be passed only to the relevant staff member.  If the contact is not, or does not become a customer, supplier or staff member then all details will be destroyed once the initial query has been satisfied.

Should you subscribe to our marketing list, you will be asked for basic contact information when signing up.  This information will be used only by ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. and an option to unsubscribe will be available on each communication released.  Should you choose to unsubscribe then all contact information on the list will be deleted on processing of your opt out request.

Employee personal details will be destroyed six years following termination of contract with any medical records falling in line with HSE regulations.

Use of our website and Social Networking

When you visit our website, we collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address as a unique identifier along with the following:

  • data about how you use our Website

  • information about your computer (including your IP address and browser type)

  • if you visited the Website by clicking on a link from a different website, we collect the URL of that website

Our website offers you the opportunity to ‘like’ or ‘share’ information about our products and services on your social media networks.  We also maintain pages on some of the largest social media networks.

Sharing your personal data with a social media network may result in that information being collected by the social network provider or result in that information being made publicly available.

ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. cannot control or endorse any policies or practices of external social media networks whose functionality you may access through our website. You should always read the privacy policy, and check your privacy settings on any social media network through which you might share information over.

Cookies are small pieces of data sent to your computer when you visit the Website and which enable us to collect information about you. They are stored in the cookie directory of your hard-drive, and do not necessarily expire at the end of your session. Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser.

Our website may contain links to other websites.  These websites are not covered by this Privacy Statement and ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. is not responsible for the privacy practices within any of these other websites. You should be aware of this when you leave the website and we encourage you to read the privacy statements of other websites.

We may additionally ask if you are willing to take part in research, for example, as part of a user survey. If you agree we will collect personal data from you e.g. contact details, for this purpose.

Where we do use personal data for research purposes, as far as possible we will try to make this unidentifiable before using it.  This is to help ensure that your privacy is respected when personal data is used by us for research purposes, or by those providing research services to us.

Who we may share your personal information with

We may share personal data to be used for research purposes, such as your email address, with external research companies that have been employed by us to carry out research and analysis on our behalf. Where this happens, we will ensure that the use of your personal data complies with legislative requirements and remains secure at all times.

ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. view the confidentiality and privacy of those using its services as paramount. Any personal information you provide will be held securely and your personal information will not be sold or traded to any other organisation or company. 

In order to carry out functions and respond to enquiries effectively, we may sometimes need to share information with Government departments, the emergency services, law enforcement agencies, and public authorities (such as the Employment Tribunal Service). However, we will only do this where it is permitted by law.

ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. may require to share personal data with an external company or service employed as part of our work, we ensure that personal data that we may pass on to them will be held securely, and used by them only to provide the services or information requested.

We safeguard the information you provide to us using both physical electronic databases, and management procedures on the use of personal data. This data is only accessible to trained and authorised personnel.

All data is held in a secure data centre in the UK and backed up to a separate secure data centre in the UK.

Making a Freedom of Information (FOI) or Subject Access Request

If you wish to make a FOI or Subject access request, your contact details and case history will be collected to process your request and retained for two years.

If you wish to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) regarding a decision on a FOI or Subject Access Request, ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. is legally obliged to share your case records, which includes personal data, with the ICO in order to progress your complaint. You may withdraw your complaint at any time.

Lawful basis for processing

Under data protection law, ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. must have a ‘lawful basis’ to justify collection, storage and use of your personal data. Where sensitive personal data is used, we also need to have a second lawful basis to justify our use of your sensitive data.

Your rights under the data protection law

You have a right to request a copy of the information that ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd. hold about you. You have a right to have any inaccuracies corrected.

You may also have the right to have your personal information erased; to restrict our use of your personal data; to object to our processing of your personal data; and to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services (‘data portability’).

You may also have rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

You have the right to complain to the national authority in the use of information, which in the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Please address requests in writing (with a return email address) to:

The Data Protection Officer

ACA Print Finishing & Packaging Solutions Ltd.

Located and Registered at:




Data Transfers

Territories outside the European Economic Area (EEA) may not have laws that provide the same level of protection for personal information as those inside the EEA. However, if we process your personal information on servers or use third party service providers based in such territories, we will endeavour to ensure that your personal information is afforded the same level of protection as in the EEA.